
Showing posts from July, 2024

See Future of Reporting Using Wikidata

On a conference call I was on the other day, someone mentioned Wikidata .  I knew that Wikidata existed, but I really did not understand what Wikidata really was, how it worked, or what you can do with Wikidata. And so I thought it was time for me to kick the tires of Wikidata and figure out what it actually was. To learn about Wikidata I modeled the accounting equation and SFAC 6 elements of financial statements using Wikidata. Seeing what I could do with Wikidata can totally changed my life. Wikidata calls itself a "free knowledge base that anyone can edit". But what Wikidata is is much, much more than that.  Wikidata is a well engineered cloud-based, web-based collaborative platform. Wikidata is free, anyone can read from the knowledge base or write/edit to add or change information in the knowledge base similar to how you can modify Wikipedia.  Not only can humans use the GUI/UX to create/read/update/delete ( CRUD ); so can machines. Another thing which does not seem to

Logical Theory Describing Financial Report

A logical theory describes the logical patterns that make up some logical conceptualization.   A logical theory enables a community of stakeholders trying to achieve a specific goal or objective or a range of goals/objectives to agree on a shared understanding of some area of knowledge.  A stakeholder is anyone that has a vested interest in a logical system. Foundational to arriving at harmony between the stakeholders of a system is having a common logical conceptualization for thinking about and discussing the system. The Logical Theory Describing Financial Report   is a document that I wrote to describe the logical patterns of a financial report.  I have represented that information in many forms including UML , a dynamic rendering in HTML , in XBRL (see the section Technical), a video playlist on YouTube , and other such representations. Now, I am going to describe that information using Wikidata . Here is a reference to the Logical Theory Describing Financial Report on Wikidata .

Accounting Equation on Wikidata

The accounting equation  (a.k.a. the balance sheet equation) is the foundation for the double-entry bookkeeping system and the cornerstone of the science of accounting. Here is the accounting equation on Wikidata . Fundamentally, Wikidata is a set of logical statements. Here is the accounting equation implemented in XBRL . Here is the XBRL referenced to the  Wikidata entry . Wikidata is cool!  Linking the Wikidata information to the XBRL-based information is even cooler.  Don't understand why this is cool?  Then you need to increase your digital proficiency . Additional Information : Accounting Equation for Beginners (Video) How to add a new item to Wikidata Wikidata: Introduction Wikidata: Tutorial: Introduction to Basics  (Video) Wikidata REST API Wikidata Data Access Financial Statement (Wikidata) Wikidata Query Service Query of accounting terms Query examples Embeddable query Wikidata Property Explorer Etherpad (Collaboration tool) SFAC 6 Term (Elements of Financial Statemen