
Showing posts from September, 2024

Information Exchange Dynamics (Brainstorming)

In this blog post I am inventorying the important things that impact information exchange which I can later reassemble and synthesize. Much of this information and thinking is inspired by work of Sean McGrath . Blending Technology and Liberal Arts As Steve Jobs pointed out, there needs to be a proper blending of technology and liberal arts. This applies to hardware, operating systems, and software applications. Direct vs Mediated Communication There are two types of communication: direct and mediated. Direct communication is one person having a conversation with another person; if there is a question about information context, those involved in the communication can directly discuss and resolve any context issues.  Mediated communication is indirect and resolving context issues can be more challenging because parties involved in the communication cannot really have a discussion about the immediate context. Vagueness is the Enemy In an email Sean McGrath said, “Vagueness is the enemy of

Swiss XBRL Taxonomy

Switzerland has published a revised version of their XBRL taxonomy which appears to be part of a Standard Business Reporting initiative . This blog post provides information about that most recent version. For more information see this . Here is background information for the Swiss CH Taxonomy. I was involved in testing this most current version of the Swiss CH Taxonomy.  What I did was put a copy on my we site and used the taxonomy as if it were being published.  Here is summary information about that Swiss CH Taxonomy: Summary of all Swiss CH Taxonomy artifacts English version of Swiss CH Taxonomy Reference implementation of report Approximately 607,000 small- and medium- sized enterprises could use this XBRL taxonomy to report to the Swiss government. Additional Information : XBRL is an Extra Fancy Knowledge Graph Logic Systems Seattle Method Value Explained (Pillars of Quality and Trustworthiness) Switzerland Mandates Machine Readable Climate Disclosures XBRL Switzerland and Audi

Human Readable Knowledge Graph of Business Report Model

The following is my best effort to define the knowledge graph of a business report from multiple interoperable technical implementations including: XBRL Cloud 28msec Pesseract Auditchain Pacioli Auditchain Luca Suite A business report, including financial reports, are composed of blocks of information that can be identified as specific "disclosures" or in the case of financial reports, financial disclosures. ( Image from Wikicommons ) This same business report model was implemented by five different software vendors and are interoperable.   However, there are three issues with my business report model that I am aware of.  First, the model has an XBRL bias.  I  don't understand how to remove that bias or I would.  Second, I am not an information technology professional or knowledge engineer so I don't have professional skills related to building sound models.  This is basically the best that I could do given my understanding of XBRL, financial reporting, and how to cre