Human Readable Knowledge Graph of Business Report Model

The following is my best effort to define the knowledge graph of a business report from multiple interoperable technical implementations including:

A business report, including financial reports, are composed of blocks of information that can be identified as specific "disclosures" or in the case of financial reports, financial disclosures.

(Image from Wikicommons)

This same business report model was implemented by five different software vendors and are interoperable.  

However, there are three issues with my business report model that I am aware of.  First, the model has an XBRL bias.  I  don't understand how to remove that bias or I would.  Second, I am not an information technology professional or knowledge engineer so I don't have professional skills related to building sound models.  This is basically the best that I could do given my understanding of XBRL, financial reporting, and how to create a knowledge graph. Third, while this model works well for the "financial report" level of granularity and what I call the "mezzanine level" of accounting working papers and audit schedules; it is not "elegant" when it comes to explaining business events or the accounting transactions that represent those business events.

Someone endeavoring to "see" this model, can use this Auditchain viewer of the PROOF business report.  This is what I have:

  • Business report
    • Base information
      • Code (local or imported schema)
      • Namespace prefix
      • Namespace identifier
      • Schema location
      • Default language
      • Taxonomy description (really should be schema description)
    • Terms
      • Category of term
      • Namespace prefix of term (which schema)
      • Name of term
      • Data type of term (applies only to concepts)
      • Period type of term (applies only to concepts)
      • Balance type of term (applies only to concepts)
    • Labels (collection)
      • Role of label
      • Language
      • Label
    • References (collection)
      • Role
      • Reference parts (can vary)
        • Publisher
        • Name
        • Paragraph
        • URL
        • URL date
    • Structures
      • Name (identifier)
      • Title
    • Associations
      • Type of association (presentation, calculation, definition)
      • Structure name (identifier)
      • From term name
      • Role of association (type of association)
      • To term name
      • Preferred label role (presentation type associations only)
      • Calculation polarity (calculation type associations only)
      • Order of association
    • Rules (a.k.a. constraint); each rule is ONE of the following types
      • Consistency type rule (a.k.a. Arithmetic)
        • Rule identifier
        • Structure name (identifier)
        • Rule XPath (a.k.a. constraint)
        • Concept (from within set of terms with type of Concept)
        • Commentary (optional)
      • Roll forward type rule
        • Rule identifier
        • Structure name (identifier)
        • Rule XPath (a.k.a. constraint, always same pattern)
        • Concept (from within set of terms with type of Concept)
        • Commentary (optional)
      • Member aggregation type rule
        • Rule identifier
        • Structure name (identifier)
        • Rule XPath (a.k.a. constraint), this is always the same for every member aggregation type rule)
        • Concept (from within set of terms with type of Concept)
        • Dimension (from within set of terms with type of Dimension)
        • Commentary (optional)
      • Adjustment type rule (a.k.a. restatement, correction of error)
        • Rule identifier
        • Structure name (identifier)
        • Rule XPath (a.k.a. constraint, always same pattern)
        • Concept (from within set of terms with type of Concept)
        • Dimension (from within set of terms with type of Dimension)
        • Member prior (represents prior period)
        • Member current (represents current period)
        • Commentary (optional)
      • Variance type rule (a.k.a. difference)
        • Rule identifier
        • Structure name (identifier)
        • Rule XPath (a.k.a. constraint), this is always the same rule for every variance type rule)
        • Dimension (from within set of terms with type of Dimension)
        • Member actual (represents actual scenario)Member budget (represents another scenario)
        • Member variance (represents the variance or difference between actual scenario and other scenario)
        • Commentary (optional)
      • Derivation type rule
        • Rule identifier
        • Structure name (identifier)
        • Rule XPath (a.k.a. constraint)
        • Precondition
        • Derived fact (a.k.a. name of the fact concept)
        • Based on source fact (a.k.a. copy the context of this fact)
        • Commentary (optional)
      • Nonstandard type rule (a.k.a. all other rule patterns)
        • Rule identifier
        • Structure name (identifier)
        • Rule XBRL (a.k.a. XBRL formula syntax for the rule)
        • Commentary (optional)
    • Facts
      • Reporting entity aspect (core dimension)
        • Period aspect (core dimension)
        • Concept aspect (core dimension)
        • Fact value (can be numeric or nonnumeric)
        • Units (numeric fact values only)
        • Rounding (numeric fact values only)
        • Fact id (optional)
        • Dimensions (collection, noncore dimensions)
          • Dimension name
          • Member name
    • Blocks (collection, derived)
        • Associations (collection)
        • Rules (a.k.a. constraints collection)
        • Facts (collection)
    • Disclosures (collection, derived)
        • Blocks (collection)

Perhaps you can do better.  If so, please ping me.  Always interested in improving the explanation.

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