Mastering XBRL-based Digital Financial Reporting

Authors Dean Allemang and James Hendler say it well in their book Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist (page 1):

“In the hands of someone with no knowledge, they can produce clumsy, ugly, barely functional output, but in the hands of a skilled craftsmen, they can produce works of utility, beauty, and durability. It is our aim in this book to describe the craft of building Semantic Web systems.”

A brick wall is made of exactly two things: bricks, mortar.

But a brick wall created by a master craftsman, or mason, and a brick wall created by a “weekend warrior” with no knowledge of masonry will be very different. Master craftsmen are created and that process takes time and effort.

The term “mason” can be further broken down in to more detailed distinctions. In the Middle Ages, the terms rough masons, row masons, stone setters, layers and freemasons were used to signify differences in skills. Freemasons who were the most skilled were paid the best.

Masons built our physical world. Knowledge engineers working with subject matter experts will construct our digital world.

Become a digital financial report master craftsmen, have a look at Mastering XBRL-based Digital Financial Reporting.

Information wants to be free from imperfections.  Good tools in the hands of master craftsmen using good methods can produce information that is understandable, useful, durable, and perhaps even beautiful and elegant truly sets information free!


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