Using Difference Between CAD/CAM and BIM to Understand How to Create Financial Reporting Expert Systems

The expert systems that I have helped to create thus far have been more similar to CAD/CAM type systems than BIM system.  But, the future of financial reporting will be more like BIM than CAD/CAM.

Now, most people will not understand the above statement.  I don't really expect them to.  That statement is not for you.  That statement is for those trying to understand and figure out how to build those tools.  But if you want to understand, you can.  You just need to do the work.

CAD/CAM is older technology, developed in the 1960s but took off in the 1980s and 1990s. See this History - and Future - of CAD/CAM Technology.  See this information about CAD/CAM on Wikipedia.

BIM, or Building Information Modeling, was developed beginning in about 1992.  See this History of BIM. Also see this information about BIM on Wikipedia.

This video, CAD vs BIM - The Fundamental Difference, explains the fundamental difference between CAD/CAM and BIM.  As I understand it, CAD/CAM is more about working with lines and perspectives whereas BIM is about working with objects of a building and information about a building.

This video, BIM is the Future of Engineering, explains that...well...BIM is the future of engineering.  This video, What is BIM, Understanding Building Information Modeling, helps you get a sense of what BIM is and why it is useful. For a little more detail see this video, Introduction to BIM.

Now, you probably have a question: "What the heck does all this have to do with financial reporting?" The answer is...a lot.  Those implementing digital financial reporting can use the difference between CAD/CAM and BIM to understand what they might want to build and what such coordinated digital systems are an improvement over existing approaches to financial accounting, reporting, auditing, and analysis.

XBRL is a technical syntax, it is not a system. Using the current evolution of software for representing financial information using XBRL, you work with very low level objects.  In the next evolution of such software you will use higher level objects in the ways the objects were intended to be used.  Current software tends to be a stand alone silo; future software will be coordinated systems.  Current evolution software has rather low quality; the next evolution of software will have an exponential increase in quality.  The current evolution of software is not really model based; the next evolution of financial reporting software will  be model based.

The future will be more of a coordinated system that the currently uncoordinated silos of effort.  How will we get there? Read The Great Transmutation.


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