Universal Adapter for ERP Systems for Audit
Oracle provides an excellent explanation of what an ERP system is. We used to call these accounting systems. Oracle's article provides a nice one minute video that explains ERP.
As the article and video point out, the idea is that all the applications share one common database so everyone has access to the same information. This is important because if the applications don't share information, then there are multiple versions of the same information which causes challenges and problems.
There is a call for a "universal adapter for ERP systems for audit". ISO, OECD, WCO, ANSI, the AICPA, Engine B and others are all approaching this notion of a universal adapter differently. Eventually, someone will get this right.
This article published by WCO, Extending the ISO Audit Data Collection Standard to improve Customs and indirect tax audits and bring some innovation into this field, is a comprehensive summary of the moving pieces related to creating a universal adapter.
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