Lighthouse Project Show the Way

My first lighthouse project was the Buffalo Main Light when I began my tour of duty with the United States Coast Guard.  It was great; we could go up into the light pretty much whenever we wanted.

My subsequent lighthouse projects, and your such projects,  would be something a little different. A lighthouse project as I mean it here is about showing people the possibilities of technology and help them understand a new direction which they might want to consider.  

A lighthouse project is a model project or working prototype that is small in scale but focused on the big picture and is intended to "show the way".  Usually, a lighthouse project will lead to other additional follow-up projects.  A lighthouse project is a change management tool that helps an organization get its head around something such as a new technology and helps inspire an organization to change direction.

A lighthouse project is intended to help an organization to "fail fast", learn from mistakes, try something else, and keep repeating that trial and error process until you find something that sticks. The pace of change today is unprecedented.  Many organizations will be forced to rethink their business strategy to remain competitive.

Lighthouse projects are about fast experimentation, constant learning, and rapid iteration.  Lighthouse projects are beacons to future changes. They help organizations rethink processes and how they provide value to the market.

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