Financial Report Knowledge Graph
You can think of a knowledge graph basically as a database that has a bunch of special characteristics and capabilities.
A financial report is a knowledge graph. XBRL is a global standard for representing financial report knowledge graphs. This is a screen shot of a visualization of a knowledge graph of a financial report represented using the XBRL global standard:
This is likewise a knowledge graph of the same financial report shown above rendered in a different format for some different purpose: (click here for a larger image)
This is yet another rendering of the knowledge graph of that exact same XBRL-based financial report by a different software application: (you can actually use the software application by clicking here)
And this is yet another rendering of the knowledge graph of, again, that exact same XBRL-based financial report knowledge graph: (you can use this software application online also)
Every one of the visualizations of the knowledge graphs of the financial report information was generated by the different software applications was fundamentally driven by this global standard XBRL document called an "instance" (This document) and some supporting metadata about the financial reporting scheme used to create that report (this information) which is also represented using the XBRL global standard.
If what I am pointing out above is not impressive to you or make you a little bit curious about machine readable knowledge graphs of XBRL-based reports, then I might suggest that you up your digital proficiency. Trust me when I say (a) this is impressive and (b) the ramifications for financial accounting, reporting, auditing, and analysis will be very significant.
Additional Information:
- Financial Report Knowledge Graphs (you REALLY want to read this if you are curious about what is being pointed out above but you don't quite understand it)
- Getting Started with Auditchain Luca (try all this for yourself)
- Informatics of Accountancy
- Modern Accountancy
- What is a semantic knowledge graph?
Very good article. I began using what are now called Knowledge Graphs in 1982 for my analytics and mission transformation work. I call my metho General Endeavor Management (GEM) and describe it in my issuance on