Humans in the AI Loop. AI in the Human Loop. Humans in Control.

Business professionals and others with liberal arts degrees that are not paying attention to what information technology people are doing with artificial intelligence are making a big, big mistake in my view. They are putting themselves at a very significant disadvantage.

These two articles summarize a lot of information nicely.  This paper, Human-in-the-loop or AI-in-the-loop?  Automate or Collaborate?, is excellent. This graphic is from that paper:

This podcast, Yaakov Belch: Humans in the Loop? No. Humans in Control – Episode 17, is an incredibly fascinating discussion about how to think about how LLMs work.

Personally, it never really occurred to me that humans would not be in control.  Now I understand why some people are concerned with artificial intelligence destroying humanity.  It is not about artificial intelligence "taking over".  It is about humans doing something really dumb when trying to take advantage of what artificial intelligence provides.

There have been discussions for years that humans critical thinking skills are declining.  Critical thinking is a skill, just like emotional intelligence.  Critical thinking skills are going to be more important than ever in the age of artificial intelligence.  Be very, very careful.

Professionals are held responsible in ways that those not a member of a trade or profession are not.  As a certified public accountant I get this distinction.  Are computer scientists professionals?  Will they be held accountable when their tools don't work the way they are held out to work?  Personally, I think they should be.

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