Knowledge Graph System

We go through life accumulating knowledge and put that knowledge into your minds, contextualizing that accumulated knowledge for future use.  A knowledge graph is a technology that turns data into machine-interpretable knowledge.

This article published by the IEEE,  EHR-Oriented Knowledge Graph System: Toward Efficient Utilization of Non-Used Information Buried in Routine Clinical Practice, uses the term "knowledge graph system" and others have used the term "knowledge graph approach" to describe what I am trying to achieve using the Seattle Method.  The vision provided by that article for electronic health records is similar to what I am trying to achieve for financial reporting.

The article has a graphic which explains the system for electronic health records knowledge graph.  I took the liberty to use that framework to explain the knowledge graph system of financial reporting.  Here is that graphic I came up with: (here is link)

This graphic below from that article for such a knowledge graph system for electronic health records inspired my graphic above.

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