Useful Generative AI Coming to Accounting and Reporting

People are starting to figure out how to apply generative artificial intelligence to accounting and reporting processes.  Here are three examples:

  • Engine B's Copilots:  As explained in this press release, Engine B is bringing "copilots" that leverage generative AI to audit, tax, and accounting markets.
  • Workiva's Generative AI: Watch the video about half way down the page.  It shows how generative AI can be used effectively in the process of creating reports.
  • PWC's Consulting Chatbot: This is a collaboration between OpenAI and PWC to offer consulting on complex issues such as tax, legal, and human resources.
  • is a startup that is unifying generative AI, machine-learning, and rules-based AI.
There are very likely others creating similar solutions that leverage GPT4 transformers working on specific large language models (LLMs).  Those solutions will very likely prove to provide benefits.  But this will only be the beginning.

Imagine combining technologies, creating a hybrid of GPT4 transformers, specific large language models, and rules based deductive reasoning that leverage properly created XBRL taxonomies that describe financial reporting schemes. A unified LLM and knowledge graph that offers the best of both worlds.

Today, financial reporting schemes are books or maybe content management systems containing information organized for humans to read.  So, that information is semi-structured; but the structure is for the presentation of information in paragraphs, tables, and such for an accountant to read.  So, consider something like the documentation of a typical financial reporting scheme exemplified here in this PDF that documents, describes, and specifies AASB 1060 which is effectively financial reporting for small and medium sized enterprises in Australia.

Just parsing that PDF (with a tool like this) will not get you where you want to be. Why? The reason is that the document is in no way connected so something like an XBRL taxonomy for AASB 1060 which provides explicit rule-based information.

But what if you did connect the PDF and the XBRL taxonomy?  I created a prototype of what I am talking about, see page 13 of this document, which shows this mapping of the financial reporting scheme disclosure rules with the XBRL taxonomy terms using hashtags:

So, imagine having a well constructed ontology-like thing (a.k.a. knowledge graph) that is connected to a specific large language model which included the accounting and reporting rules specified by a standards setter or regulator for a specific financial reporting scheme connected to a knowledge graph that explained that information precisely and accurately in a manner that is readable, and therefore understandable, by machine-based processes.  All this is hooked to the logical model of a financial report represented in the form that is usable  by software.  Tie all this together into one framework, create a method for processing all this and what do you get?  A paradigm shift.

But don't make the mistake of imagining one instance of what I am describing.  Even better, imagine a framework for creating hybrid artificial intelligence solutions for any financial reporting scheme.

Now, imagine connecting all that to a software application for creating financial reports.  What do you get?  Well, if the software is built correctly you get an expert system for creating financial reports.

Now, tie all of the above together with some other technologies that seem to be converging such as blockchain, triple-entry accounting, REA, semantic spreadsheets, Lean Six Sigma and you get a whole bunch of possibilities that open up.  You get a great transmutation.

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