A "thing" is an identifiable logical artifact such as an entity, idea, concept, event, situation, state, or process that is important to a system which you are concerned with. If you are not concerned with something, then that is "nothing" to your system of interest. But if it is important to you, then it is a "thing". Ideally, every thing can be unambiguously distinguished from every other thing in a system you are concerned with or any other thing in another system your system interacts with. A system can be represented using a theory or model or conceptualization. Logic is a tool for describing a system . Logic systems are describable . When you are constructing a theory or model, a thing is something that is represented within that theory or model . A thing is different than a token that is used to represent that thing in your theory/model. Ontology-like things can be used to physically describe things in a form readable to machines such as comp...