Wachovia National Bank Example of XBRL-based Financial Report
If you go to Wikipedia and search on "financial statement"; you will see this example of a financial statement for Wachovia National Bank from 1906:
I took this rather basic, simple, straight forward example and represented it in XBRL using Pacioli.ai's cloud based software application Luca Suite. Here is the XBRL instance of that report. Attached to that XBRL instance is the XBRL taxonomy schema and linkbases.
There are several ways to have a look at what I created. The first is a report viewer provided by Luca Suite, which you can see here.
Another way to look at the report is using an Inline XBRL viewer. Here is an open source Inline XBRL viewer provided via Arelle which is supported by Luca.
Another way to view the report is simply has an HTML page generated by Luca Suite. Here is that HTML page.
Verification can be performed on the report using Pacioli. Here is the technical analysis provided by Pacioli which was saved on IPFS. Using that technical analysis you can see that the XBRL technical syntax has been verified to be correct, that the logic of the report model structure is logic is correct, and that the three mathematical relationships in that report are verified to be correct.
I took that XBRL-based report generated by Pacioli.ai's Luca Suite and loaded it into a different software application, a working prototype which a developer and I created called Pesseract. Loaded just great without error. Here is a screenshot of that desktop application. (I simply loaded the URL of the XBRL instance from above)
There is a lot going on in what I have shown above. Accountants will not start paying attention to this, until they do. Who knows when that will happen; but it will happen.
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