Master Class in Representing Financial Statement Logic Using XBRL

Over the next year, I am going to create a Master Class in Representing Financial Statement Logic Using XBRL. I now have the tools I need to create that class effectively.  I am able to separate the XBRL related "stuff" from the representation of financial statement information "stuff" because I have the proper tools.

I also have a boatload of examples that I have created that enable me to communicate important subtleties and nuances that, before now, you would need years of experience using XBRL to grasp.  Now understanding these important subtleties and nuances is trivial.

Here is my raw material which is basically financial statement logic represented using many different approaches using XBRL: (Note that I am using these to test and debug software so there are some issues with these representations currently, but those will go away eventually as the software is tuned.)

  • PROOF-Master: This is the baseline. This has pretty much all the logical complexity that anyone creating an XBRL-based digital financial statement would every have to get their heads around and deal with. Information is represented very consistently and with one explicit hypercube within a network. Have a look.
  • PROOF-Alternative1: This takes the baseline (the Master) and reorganizes the blocks of information differently within the XBRL networks and hypercubes.  As many networks were removed as possible.  This has one subtle issue; the first hypercube has many hypercubes but no "root" to organize those hypercubes. Have a look.
  • PROOF-Alternative2: This is exactly the same as Alternative1, except if you look in the first network, there is now a "root" or "container" that is used to organize the many hypercubes in the first network. Have a look.
  • PROOF-Hypercubes2: This is exactly the same as the Master or baseline, except that rather than giving hypercubes unique names, every hypercube is expressed using one standard hypercube named "Standard [Hypercube]". Have a look.
  • PROOF-Hypercubes3: This is exactly the same as Hypercube2 except that both "Standard [Hypercube]" and "Hypercube [Line Items]" are used.  Have a look.
  • PROOF-Implied: This is exactly the same as the Master or baseline except that explicit hypercubes where only used when they are required because noncore dimensions must be used to represent a financial disclosure.  Have a look.
  • PROOF-Dimensions: This is exactly the same as the Master or baseline except that every hypercube explicitly defines every dimension used anywhere in the financial statement. Have a look.
  • PROOF-Blocks: This is exactly the same as the Master or baseline except that every possible [Abstract] report element, used to organize the presentation relations, was removed. Have a look.
  • PROOF-Sparse: This is exactly the same as the Alternative2 except that a hypercube that represents a segment breakdown is intermingled with multiple other blocks of information causing a "sparse" hypercube as a result (i.e. a hypercube with a  lot of blank facts because of a non-best practices use of hypercubes). Have a look.
  • PROOF-Proper: This is very similar to the Master or baseline except that duplicate hypercubes where made unique and other issues were fixed.  Have a look.
And so, what is the point? The point is that while the technical format used to represent the XBRL artifacts is different in every one of the above examples, there is exactly NO DIFFERENCE in the financial logic being represented.  If you look at any of the above reports, the information BLOCKS are exactly the same: (Look here)

Further, there are a few other things to notice.  First, everything is comprehensible to humans.  Except, in two cases, "Comprehensive Income [Roll Up]" and "Prior Period Errors [Adjustment]", labels are used multiple times which makes understanding what information is there harder to  differentiate.  This is intentional to make a point.

(Spoiler alert.  I will discuss disclosures and the relationship between blocks and disclosures in another blog post so stay tuned.)

Additional Information:


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