XBRL is an Extra Fancy Knowledge Graph
Someone pointed out that a knowledge graph is just a fancy type of database. Unlike a relational database that structures data into tables, a graph database structures data into a graph. Doing this enables new types of pattern-based capabilities with no programming overhead necessary.
A knowledge graph is a web of meaning that describes the knowledge for some area of knowledge. A graph, per graph theory, is an approach to representing something and is made up of nodes which represent things and edges which represent associations between things. Things represented as nodes can be categorized. The types of associations between things can also be categorized.
Two things with an association between them (e.g. two nodes with an edge between them) simply means "these two things are connected". A knowledge graph explains how and why they are connected. Explicit labels on each node and edge tell us exactly what each node and edge in a knowledge graph means. This meaning is what turns a graph into a knowledge graph, the capturing of associations, categories, rules, and other meaning.
This meaning is not represented haphazardly. An ontology or other practical ontology-like thing which is a rulebook that explains how the nodes and edges that represent the things and associations needs to be constructed. This ontology-like thing based distillation of rules that makes up the rulebook which prevents wild behavior is effectively a schema which explains the knowledge graph. The ontology-like thing provides a description, an explanation, and serves as a specification for the semantic scaffolding which makes sure the knowledge in the knowledge graph adheres to agreed upon meaningfully structured associations. A complete, consistent, and precise knowledge graph represented in a form that a machine such as a computer can understand enables those machines to make logical inferences about the knowledge represented in the knowledge graph using a reasoner.
XBRL fits that above description. Excel is not a knowledge graph. Also, not all knowledge graphs are the same.
Think about something. Why would ISO which has the SQL standard for relational databases spend the time to create a GQL standard for graph databases? Why would they take the time to do that? (For the answer, see page 11, the section Relational Databases Lack Relationships) Graph databases have different capabilities than relational databases.
XBRL is a collaborative institutional effort to create a global standard approach to representing a high quality knowledge representation. XBRL was started by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants which is now called the Association of International Certified Professional Accountants (AICPA), the IFRS Foundation, the Big 4 professional services firms, with some software companies also involved.
XBRL is a professional quality knowledge graph. XBRL is an extra fancy knowledge graph.
Now, you could also represent a knowledge graph using RDF, GQL, SQL, Prolog, Datalog, JSON, JSON-LD, or probably there are even more possibilities. All of these possible knowledge representation approaches can be grouped into three buckets:
- Semantic web stack (W3C standard)
- Graph databases (ISO standard GQL)
- Logic programming (ISO standard PROLOG, ISO standard SQL, Modern Prolog, Includes global standard XBRL)
- Dimensional fact model: XBRL provides a dimensional fact model via XBRL Dimensions. You could create a dimensional fact model using other approaches to creating knowledge graphs; but XBRL provides this out of the box.
- Defines fact: XBRL explicitly defines the notion of a fact. So in terms of the atomic design methodology, XBRL is defined at the "molecular" level rather than the "atomic" level like RDF. This means two things. First, XBRL is a little bit easier to work with than RDF because there is a higher level of objects to work with. On the other hand, XBRL is not as flexible as RDF. XBRL is specifically "tuned" for business reports and financial reports.
- Mechanism for generating facts: XBRL has a mechanism for the generation of new facts from existing facts or information you provide. See XBRL Formula, specifically Formula.
- Lots of software: There is a lot of software that works with XBRL, conformance suites for testing software to make sure it works correctly, and there is a lot of open source software such as the open source XBRL processor Arelle. BREL is another open source XBRL processor.
- Lots of use globally: As of this writing there were 216 different XBRL projects in about 60 different countries that make use of the XBRL global standard.
- High-level logical model: XBRL provides, but does not necessarily define very clearly, a high level model of a business report. That same high-level logical model is used by the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), European Single Market Authority (ESMA), European Financial Reporting Advisory Group (EFRAG), etc.
- Microformat: XBRL provides the capability, similar to microformats, to embed semantic information within an HTML document. XBRL calls this Inline XBRL.
- Guidance: There is a boatload of guidance provided to help you use XBRL correctly such as the Seattle Method and the forthcoming OMG Standard Business Report Model (SBRM). While the Seattle Method is more for financial statements, the ideas can also be applied to general business reporting.
- Leverageable semantics: Foundation level semantics is defined such as units that can be used to describe facts, useful data types, functions, roles and arcroles, and other such semantics. For example, these are accounting related semantics.
- Global context: Information in XBRL can be represented with global context using identifiers and namespaces like an IRI.
- Approachable to business professionals: Because you can work at a higher level of abstraction, even if you like to tinker with the XBRL technical syntax level, that is possible by a motivated business professional. Business professionals can work with blocks of information, like Legos.
- Professional quality: XBRL provides professional quality knowledge graphs. Reliable artificial intelligence requires reliable machine-interpretable knowledge.
- Representing a Logic System (a.k.a. knowledge graph) Using Global Standard XBRL
- The Story of Our New Language
- Foundation (Understanding XBRL)
- The History and Evolution of XBRL
- Problem Solving Systems
- GLEIF annual report for 2023 in Inline XBRL Viewer
- Pacioli.ai Whitepaper in Inline XBRL Viewer
- Super PROOF
- Knowledge Hypergraphs
- Counterfeit Knowledge Graphs
- Memorandum of Understanding between XBRL International and RIXML.ORG
- RIXML.org
- Strategy Markup Language (StratML)
- XBRL Taxonomies (Library provided by Amana)
- XBRL International XBRL Project Directory
- ISO 20022
- ASN.1
- AI Meets XBRL: The Future of Accurate and Reliable Data
- IFRS for SMEs Balance Sheet Example
- XBRL-based Digital Financial Reporting Stack
- What is XBRL? (10 minute video)
- What's keeping CFOs up at night?
- Why XBRL is What it is?
- Single Audit, Data Standards, and The GREAT Act
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