Seeing Digital Financial Reporting Differently

Why does a butcher create a high level model of a pig?  Well, if you give the different cuts of pig meat a name, that enables a butcher to have a different conversation with customers than if the meat cuts did not have names.  Is there one global standard of pig meat cuts? Apparently not, a quick search of Google shows different graphics, but fairly similar. Cow meat cuts also have names, providing a higher level model of a cow that can be discussed.

The quick answer as to why there are names for the different cuts of meat of a pig, cow, and other animals is utility.  Those names provide something that you don't get if the names do not exist.

Conversations with others has revealed that I apparently, and uniquely, see XBRL-based digital financial reporting differently than others in five very specific and important ways.  Note that unlike many others; I am not trying to meet some regulatory mandate imposed by some regulator.  What I am trying to do is figure out how to effectively employ XBRL-based digital financial reporting such that it is actually useful (i.e. BETTER, FASTER, CHEAPER). Improving efficiency without maintaining or increasing quality is useless.

Here are the five significant differences between my approach to XBRL-based reporting and the approach of others:
  1. Quality: To me quality is job one. Again, improving efficiency without maintaining or increasing quality is useless.  That is the driving objective for all the other things that I do differently.  When others create a financial report they put "stuff" in the report and then they reach some sort of conclusion about whether that "stuff" is right.  They really have no logical basis for their conclusion.  When I work to verify financial report quality, I have a framework for doing so and I try and automate as much of the quality testing as I can.  (see point 4) I consciously create and provide a framework and proof of a report's quality.
  2. Complete: As part of my quality testing, I tend to like to be complete.  Every mathematical relation is consciously checked.  Not some, all.  Every high-level accounting relation is checked to be sure the report complies with those high-level associations.  I specify a complete logical schema, or as complete as automated software can get.  Then, everything else is checked manually.  This is a conscious process.  Why specify a complete logical schema?  Because then you understand the boundaries between what software can achieve and what you must do manually.
  3. Specify and Leverage High Level Logical Model: To achieve #1 and #2 above, I specify a high level logical model, a framework, that I can use for two things.  First, you can do more quality testing using that high level model because the model exists and is specified.  Second, when working with XBRL-based reports because of the high level logical model you can leverage that model in software, making using the software easier. To see this, read the Graph Hairball post. Also I leverage "norms".
  4. Leverage Lean Six Sigma Techniques, Principles, Philosophy: The focus of my MBA was what was referred to as World Class Manufacturing Techniques. Today that is called Lean Six Sigma.  Lean Six Sigma philosophy tend to work to prevent problems rather than fight the symptoms of problems.  Things should be done to consciously prevent mistakes from occurring.  This is as contrast to detecting mistakes and then fixing them or the failure cost of dealing with mistakes, both of which tend to be more expensive than simply fixing a system.
  5. Holistically: I look at the system holistically, not from the vantage point of one individual silo.
I took my approach XBRL-based digital financial reports, explained my approach, and gave that approach and framework a name.  I call it the Seattle Method.  I explained that approach to some people at OMG and they are using those ideas to create the Standard Business Report Model (SBRM).

To see what I do, consider having a look at my PROOF.  The raw material that shows the differences is there but not really explained.  Perhaps I will create a post that explains how to see what I am saying above.  Think "theory" and "proving the theory". That is in essence how PROLOG works.  In PROLOG you make a bunch of logical statements and PROLOG tells you if there are any contradictions.  A human has to figure out if there are missing logical statements such as missing rules.

Why do I seem to approach things differently?  Probably because I am a systems guy.  If you want to understand I would suggest the video A Theory of a System for Educators and Managers.

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