Accounting Oracle Machine Working Prototype

Accounting can be tedious.  An accounting oracle machine can do a lot of the dirty work performed by accounts, freeing up for performing higher value add. Here is a working prototype of an accounting oracle machine.

This accounting oracle machine might seem like a toy.  This is no toy. There is already software that can leverage this accounting oracle machine.  Currently, this is overly focused on financial reporting; but that will expand.  It seems that the accounting oracle machine is an information product or a knowledge product.

Additional Information:

Prototype2: (this is a work in progress...don't jump to any conclusions; think brainstorming.  These might be represented using XBRL, RDF/OWL/SHACL, Prolog, GSQL)
  • Parts of an Economic Entity: Human | Machine
  • Engagement Types: Human | Machine
  • Accounting Education: Human | Machine
  • Key Financial Ratios: Human | Machine
  • Geographic Areas: Human | Machine
  • Accounting and Audit Guides: Human | Machine
  • Industry Sectors: Human | Machine
  • Taxonomy Rank for Accountancy: Human | Machine
  • Legal Forms of an Economic Entity: (Coming soon!)
  • High Level Topics: (Coming soon! This is like Face Statements, Financial Accounts, Broad Transaction Categories)
  • Reporting Entity Set: (Coming soon! This is like the DOW 30, Fortune 100, S&P 500, Russell 1000, Russell 3000)
  • Business Events and Business Event Types/Categories: (Coming Soon, here is an earlier prototype; Human | Machine)
  • Financial Report Pieces: Human | Machine
  • Elements of Financial Statement: (Coming soon! This is like Asset, Liability, Equity, Revenue, Expense)
  • Financial Statements: (Coming soon! This is like Balance Sheet, Income Statement, Statement of Changes in Equity, Statement of Cash Flow, Statement of Comprehensive Income)
  • Principles of Accounting: (Coming soon! This is an example.)
  • Prototype 2013: Human


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