Modern Accountancy is Inevitable; but Not Predetermined

Modern accountancy is both inevitable and imminent. However, it is not predetermined. Instead, modern accountancy will be shaped by the decisions made in the coming years. By making informed choices, we can avoid and prevent undesirable outcomes concerning the needs of business professionals such as accountants, auditors, and analysts.

This information contributes to helping you making those informed choices. That is my current best synthesis of my work from the past 26 years. That overview and the few connected pages, about 10 pages, is the best that I can put together at this point in time.  Perhaps you can do better.

Traditional spreadsheets like Excel have served accountants well for the past 44+ years.  And traditional spreadsheets will continue to serve professional accountants for years to come for certain specific tasks and processes.  But given the increased volume and complexity of information new tools are necessary and because of technologies such as structured information, artificial intelligence, blockchain-based digital ledgers, and other such useful technologies; new tools with new capabilities are very possible.

That said, beware of the snake oil salesmen.  There is a lot of AI snake oil out there.  There are a lot of snake oil salesmen out their trying to separate you from your hard earned money.  Be an informed buyer.

As legendary Canadian hockey star Wayne Gretzky put it, "I skate to where the puck is going, not to where it has been."  This is where I see the hockey puck and I am going to use my stick to slap that puck in this direction.

Accounting does not need to be tedious, repetitive, mundane, monotonous for professional accountants.  Computers can, and will, make many tasks and processes more palatable. Teaming of humans and computers will free humans to focus on the high value added activities which they do best. Computers will focus on the repetitive grunt work.

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